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Killingly-Brooklyn Midget Football

Killingly-Brooklyn Midget Football

News Detail


Aug, 2020

Season update

We understand that canceling the 2020 season was not something our coaches, parents, and community wanted. The league came to this heart-wrenching decision yesterday evening. Current guidelines permit the start of conditioning on Aug 17, followed by non-contact practices until 9/11 when limited contact (10 mins/athlete/day) can begin, then games can start on 10/4.  There would be a 4 -game season followed by 2 weeks of a tournament style championship.

After speaking with many members of our conference, and members of school boards regarding all of the uncertainty this season brings there was one thing we all felt confident in saying; that even if we attempted to begin practices on Aug 17, an outside authority (Governor, State, CIAC, BOE, Rec Dept) will be shutting us down prior to our first game anyway. There exist risks to player safety, the reputation of our league, as well a civil liability. Our league athletes come from at least 7 different schools within our community, therefore risking safety of hundreds of students in our community. There are many guidelines and restrictions we'd have to accommodate for, which would be at the least very difficult to abide by and financially crippling risking the future of KBMF. The gathering limitations of up to 100 people outdoors would make it very difficult to schedule full team practices for our football and cheer squads and near impossible for any parents/fans to attend games. Our decision to pull the season came after 4 other towns within our conference officially pulled theirs due to these same concerns. 

While every member of the league is committed to this sport and all of your children, we came to the conclusion that it was not worth taking these risks to start a season that we are confident isn't going to be a season at all.  Please rest assured, and reassure our players and cheerleaders that this decision is not what any of us hoped for, but we need to make our kids' safety our top priority.  

We are confident that football will be back in 2021. To our 8th grade seniors: we will find a way to properly see you off to High School, and the board will be working on that over the next several weeks.  Your time spent at KBMF as football players and cheerleaders will be honored as close to normal as possible.  Stay tuned and Stay Safe. 


Killingly_Brooklyn Midget Football
PO box 348 
Danielson, Connecticut 06239

Phone: 860-933-3326
Email: [email protected]

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